

X-Men And Fantastic Four Share The Big Screen?

Comic book movies are all the rage nowadays, I mean we've blogged about it on numerous occasions but can we all just admit that the Fantastic Four and certain X-Men films were rubbish? That's not opinion, it's fact! And now we have the news that the Fantastic Four reboot will feature in the same universe as X-Men. *sigh*. Why? Just why? I'm not saying that they can't be in a universe together because they clearly can.

The original X-Men trilogy ended on a sour note so First Class has only just really started to fix the damage that's been done. I can even see the First Class sequel going down hill, the more and more I hear about it the less I want to watch it. And Fantastic Four? I don't think I'll ever look forward to a Fox Four movie again, I've been disappointed too many times. Fox announcing that they'll be in the same universe means it's only a matter of time before a team up between the two is announced, this does not make me a happy bunny. I get its, everyone's trying to replicate the success Marvel had with The Avengers, but the main characters within the film all had their own individual films before the they got together. We were able to get to know their characters, and invest in them emotionally. If The Avengers didn't have those initial movies it wouldn't have been as successful or enjoyable. As a standalone film its just another blockbuster, theres not really anything special about it.

I firmly believed that the audiences enjoyed it because they were familiar with the characters and they liked them and I think one problem (one of many) the X-Men and Fantastic Four was the inflated cast. There was so much overcrowding in the films, and you didn't really get to know much about the characters (apart from Wolverine). Thats why I like First Class, it wasn't really a big spectacle, I think the film was a tale of Magneto and Xavier's friendship. I don't think a X-Men and Fantastic Four film would be able to do that, there'd be no development characterwise, it'd just be a poorly put together spectacle.

A poor man's Avengers.

Let's hope Fox rethink. Live Long and Blog!

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