

Bye Bye Barney Stinson

We all knew How I Met Your Mother was ending, the last season was announced and we've even met the mother for Christ's sake! But it didn't really hit me until I read an article with Cobie Smulders saying she'd like to join Agents Of S.H.I.E.LD when it's all over. That's when I realised my time with Barney Stinson was almost over.

Seriously, no one watches the show to find out about the mother, maybe the originally did but Barney stole the show. It's amazing to see his growth over the past eight years, but not completely losing his identity, the reason that we fell in love with him. Of course, I love the whole ensemble (maybe not Lily as much, you'll understand if you watched the show), but Barney blows everyone out of the water. I don't know if it's the writing, Neil Patrick Harris' portrayal or both but Barney is intriguing and keeps me coming back for more. At this point I don't care how Ted met the mother, I care about watching Barney's antics. If I had a choice in getting to know the mother and finding out Barney's job I know which one I'd choose. Barney made me not give a damn about the lead of the show! I put 'Waitforit' down as my middle name because of him!

Barney Stinson, you are legen- wait for it -dary, If your blog was real I'd read it everyday. I bid you a fond farewell, you are one of the few characters that I've loved that hasn't been completely ruined and I'll miss you.

Live Long and Blog! *cue Doogie Howser soundtrack*

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