

Ben Affleck Braving Comic Book Territory Once Again

A couple of days ago when I heard that Ben Affleck had been cast as the new Batman in the Batman Vs. Superman I was ready to bust a gut and write a scathing post about it. I'd discussed before about how I didn't really want another incarnation of Batman so soon after Bales, and I figured I wouldn't really be accepting of any casting decisions so why would you listen to me? My opinion is biased right?

Well, I've had time to think about it and I think he could actually be ok. I know most people are throwing Daredevil out there as a reason for him to not be Batman, but come on, it wasn't just him involved in that film, I'd actually go as far as saying he had little to no say in it. So how on Earth can he take the blame for that atrocity? Think it through. Affleck's reputation to a major hit after the Daredevil film, I'm pretty sure the other bombs he was in didn't help but in recent years he has gained a significant amount of credibility due to his producing, writing, directing and acting, he has become a true auteur. Because of this I don't think that he would attach himself to the film/franchise if he had any doubts about it, he must actually have faith in the character, and I think he'll probably have a say in the direction that he would like the character to go. And would he really sign onto another comic book movie if he didn't feel it was worth it? Even though I don't like the idea of rebooted the character so quickly I'm willing to give Ben Affleck a chance, and I think you should to. Also, he did this:

How could you not give this guy a chance? Live Long and Blog!

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