

Another Day, Another Remake *sigh*

I think all of us now know that Hollywood is running out of ideas. Hence all the adaptations of comics books, novels and rubbish masquerading as novels *cough* Fifty Shades Of Grey* and also the onslaught of remakes/reboots. Some of the re-imagining I understand, like the one based on superheroes, because I think the storyline possibilities are endless. But theres one announcement thats had me dumbfounded. The remake of The Butterfly Effect.

I mean, if the film was shoddy and the original writer/director wanted to re-do it without studio input ala  Joss Whedon and Buffy but the film was actually decent, it exceeded expectations. Any Ashton Kutcher film I call decent exceeds any expectations. Also, it's not even ten years old so it can't really be an update as not much has actually changed since then. And how can you re-imagine THIS film? So the only thing I think they could do is a direct remake, without changing anything. Seriously, what is the point of that? How about we just watch the original? If they really want to capitalise on the franchise then how about another direct to DVD sequel, I guarantee that a remake will probably do just as badly. I wouldn't be surprised if the remake actually ended up being released straight to DVD, if it's released at all. Seriously, this is a bad idea, just don't do it. What next? Remaking Donnie Darko?

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