

Reliving The Revenge Of The Romulans

The other night I was at a friends and we were fiddling around with my friends new Sky+ box and putting pretty much anything on record, one of the things being Star Trek (Abrams, 2009). Now, this is a film that I watched three times when released and have watched a further three, now four times, and I still enjoy it and always want more after its ended. My friend who has watched Into Darkness but never the 2009 film was enthralled, and I realised that I would never be able to feel the way she did whilst watching the film again, I couldn't watch the film for the first time again.

She turned to me every five minutes saying that she wished the film was real, that we were part of the crew of the USS Enterprise and I agreed enthusiastically as it is what I had felt when I first watched the first reboot film, I had even felt that way when watching the TV series. It is true that sometimes I imagine myself aboard the Enterprise but the daydream only lasts a couple of minutes at most before I realise its fiction and theres no way it could possibly happen. When I watched the film several years ago I could sit for hours imagining and writing tales of my experiences as part of the crew, defeating The M-113 Creature, The Gorn and many more foes. Yes, I wrote myself into fanfic, cue the loser heckles. But I didn't care, I was enamoured with the series and I wish I could go back in time to watch the film again for the first time just to be able to submerge myself in the World(s) of Star Trek.

Having watched the film numerous times, I think it has also lost shock value to me. I know everything thats going to happen before it does, and although im still interested in the films well constructed plot line, wonderful acting and stunning visuals, it doesn't take me out of my reality like it did the first time. My friend wouldn't really respond to anything I said to her throughout the film as she didn't want to miss a thing, whereas I looked at my phone four times. I'm sure everyone does that, but usually when it's a good film that I haven't seen before I forget the outside World exists and just focus on the films. But I already knew. I knew the fate of the Enterprise crew, I knew the fate of the Romulan race and I knew the fate of Captain Nero and his crew. Sometimes I hate knowing.

I just wanted to erase my previous viewing experience so that I could watch it again, with fresh eyes as my friend did. I mean she watched the sequel so she knew the fates of the characters and was familiar with them but she was able to meet them again which I've done so many times now. She was able to emerge herself in the film, wanting to watch it on loop for a week after it ended whereas I looked at my phone four times. I want be in her shoes, I want my first taste of Star Trek again. I wish my brain was like a Sky+ box and I could erase the film from my memory and start anew again, just to watch the film.

Live Long and Blog.

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