

The Walking Dead: My Quick Trailer Review

(All information here is based on the trailer alone and no other source)

So is anyone else stoked about about season 4 after watching the trailer? If you haven't seen it then watch it NOW!

From what we can all see in this trailer, 'The Governor' does not make an appearance, suggesting that this season won't be all about the war between the prison group and the Woodbury group (although 'The Governor' MAY make an appearance in the season, it just won't be solely based on their rivalry). Instead, it will be more focused on  traitor(s) within Ricks' group and how they are going to survive knowing that there's a traitor in the group.

We can confirm that there is a traitor within the group because it shows that someone from the inside has been feeding the Walkers. Cell Block D was also attacked by Walkers, but how did they get inside in the first place? The attack cost 14 lives, who were they? This trailer has left me speechless and left me with so many questions on my mind. Who is the traitor? Why did they do it? How did they manage without getting caught?

At the end of the trailer when the lady came up on the radio saying the phrase "Sanctuary... whoever arrives...Survives". This could be the groups next mission, to reach the sanctuary.

I'm also personally getting a bit worried about Tyreese. In this trailer, he seems like he's been having a really rough time and has been having some bad luck. I actually like Tyreese, he's a really decent character and is always willing to help the group. Hope he lives (fingers crossed).

Now to be fair, this trailer does look promising. There is still so much to write about this trailer but most of it is pretty obvious, so there wouldn't be any point of going over it, however, all I can say now is HURRY UP OCTOBER!!!!!

As always... Live Long and Blog

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