

Gay Spiderman?

In a recent interview Andrew Garfield said that he would like Spiderman to be gay, and perhaps MJ be a man in the new series. It got me thinking, why not? For some reason people still haven't got over the Raimi trilogy so when MJ does pop up in the Amazing series people are going to be so judgemental and won't accept her (which I don't get because Kirsten Dunst wasn't exactly great). And even without the previous trilogy Sony would never be able to make all the fans happy because MJ is so hard to live up to. I firmly believe that if when they do bring MJ in they should do it after Gwen Stacy has died and Emma Stone should play her too, I think she's the only person that can pull it off. So basically I wouldn't be happy either.

Why not have a guy? I'm one of those people  that thinks Gwen was Peter's true love and MJ was a consolation prize, so I think it would make Gwen in the films all the more specially. She would really be the only woman that Peter loved. And also, its 2013. I think it's time that we had a gay superhero on the big screen. Of course, I know it's never going to happen but a girl can dream. I think that IF they did it it could be really great, and I hope I'm not alone in my beliefs. Any one else agree?

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1 comment:

  1. I agree it shouldn't matter whether he is gay or not. In all honesty I didn't think Spiderman's relationships added anything amazing to his superhero persona anyway. They were important in the long run to his character but weather they were Gwen Stacy or Mary Jane never really affected his ability to fight crime or his appeal. Making him gay would definitely be a good thing for such a new impressionable generation.
