

Roberto Orci Slams Star Trek Fans

So, we've taken a bit o a break over the last few days but now we're back on the saddle (hopefully) and now we're back with a post dedicated to Robert Orci. You know the writer and producer of Star Trek Into Darkness? Well he kind of slammed the fandom. *sigh*

I'll give you a bit of back story in case you hadn't already heard. Star Trek Into Darkness was voted the worst Star Trek film by the fandom, it was even beaten out by Galaxy Quest and that's not even a Star Trek film. Usually I would've jumped on something like that but I didn't really want to mount a defence against the film as I see the fans point, the new series is changing a lot of the canon that had already been set before it. Some fans are ok with that and support it (like me), others do not. That's bound to happen and fans have every right not to dislike that films, that's their opinion and you can't argue with that. Unless you're Roberto Orci, he tried to. Upon news of the poll he called the fans "shitty" and basically told them to take a hike as they aren't allowed their own opinions I guess. Stupid call on his part. 

He is one of the writers of the film (and I presumed a fan also) and of course he's going to feel protective over it, who wouldn't be protective over a piece of work that they spent years on? And it's not wrong that he'd want to speak up, but I feel that he should've been more respectful of peoples opinions *cough* be more mature about them *cough* rather than have an outburst like that. Sure I have outbursts and document them on here, but I'm not a public figure, we only have hits in the thousands whereas Orci has an audience of tens of millions. Maybe more. So what he did was dumb. Dumb, dumb, dumb. He should've ignored it, even if the fans don't like the films I guarantee that they will watch the sequels because it's a world that they are immersed in and will want to know what happens, but if you alienate them by basically calling the dumb-asses they'll probably turn their backs on you for good. Even if it's only the fans that were polled or support the poll boycotted the films they would still do well, but turning away die hard fans can't look good.

If it was any other film then it probably wouldn't be as bad, but this is Star Trek. It lived because of it's fans. It wouldn't have lasted 3 seasons during its original run if it wasn't for the fans. Theres no way that it would still be around today if it wasn't for the fans. The fans are so invested in the franchise and have insured the success of it, I think in a way they do have some ownership over the franchise because they are the ones that love it and spending their hard earned money on it. Because of this I do think that their feelings should not be disregarded, and sure Orci can think the fans are "shitty" but he can't say that publicly. The fans are the reason he's working on Star Trek for Gods sake.

Live Long and Blog Guys!

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