

The Fall: Why It Ended Well

I loved watching The Fall when it aired on the BBC a couple of months ago, so at the time of its finale I couldn't really understand the audiences complaints about the ending. Recently I decided to have a marathon of the show just to see if other viewers had seen something I hadn't, to figure out why it was hated. And I am still none the wiser, I liked the ending, it keeps me wanting more which is what the writers wanted! And really? Would you have just ended with him being caught? People are mouthing off about it being unrealistic that they didn't catch him, but guess what? It kind of is realistic.

Serial killers work for years; sometimes decades before people figure out there is a serial killer at large. Thats even if they ever do figure out. And even if the serial killer made the news, catching him would be another matter. Yorkshire Ripper anyone? Police aren't superheroes, they don't always catch the bad guys and even if they do its a long process. The Fall ending with Paul's capture would be wholly unrealistic and way too abrupt. If he had been caught series two would be devoted to another serial killer im assuming, one that would be forever compared to who came before him, and I think Jamie Dornan is terrific in the role. Im not saying we keep Paul as the antagonist for ten years, but at least until we've really fleshed his character out. We still need to know his motivation, still have relationships explored and I think that if his reign ended before we saw this, I'd feel cheated. 

Lets not forget Supercop Stella, seeing her catch the serial killer so easily isn't good television for me. I want to see her unravel, I want this hunt to really take a toll on her. I hope we get a complete 180 from her cool, calm exterior, and I look forward to seeing Gillian Anderson flexing her acting muscles. Think Alexander Mahone from Prison Break, sure it was sad watching him lose everything over this case, but my God was it fun to watch! Sometimes things don't need to be tied up with a little bow at the end, especially this. I feel that theres still so much left to see of Stella and Paul and it could be brilliant. Because of that I feel that the ending of series one was perfect as it is. This could've been a completely different article if the show hadn't been re-commissioned after it ended like that but lets be thankful that it was. Hopefully we don't have a long wait for the next series to see how this plays out.

Au Revoir my victims, Live Long and Blog!

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