

Thank you Summer Glau, You Give Me A Reason To Watch Arrow Next Season!

I will say it now, I have a major girl crush on Summer Glau. I have done ever since Firefly. What Firefly fan doesn't love Summer? And i'll also tell you that I was disappointed in Arrow last season, i'm not saying that it was bad but after the preview that was released before the debut I was on the edge of my seat, but the excitement did really last the whole season.

It turned out to be more episodic than I'd hoped, which I understood because every show needs filler episodes, especially a show in its first season which needs to grab attention of casual viewers easily and you can really do that with a complex plot, which is a damn shame because I believe that the overall story arch was amazing and I both loved and hated the season finale. The last episode was a major risk because it had Oliver, our hero, losing to some degree which I love to see because it humanises the character. Oliver isn't Superman, he's essentially just a guy. And i'm torn over the next thing I will discuss, I think it was ballsy and completely unexpected but I still get sad thinking about it *spoilers*

The supposed deaths of Tommy and Malcolm Merlin. I say supposed deaths because I really don't want it to be true as I found their characters to be the most interesting and they DO still have something to give. With their relationship, and what Tommy would eventually become would give us years worth of storylines, years that I would watch. Every show needs their subplots and this could be an intriguing one. I don't want to have to watch Laurel. Please no more Laurel screen time. If so, then recast, I'm sure most of the fans won't mind. That was a major part of why I wasn't considering coming back next year. But Summer, dear Summer came along and now I MUST watch it. It would be weird if I didn't.

And now, I've been online, I've seen peoples comments. Just because Summer signed onto a recurring role DOES NOT mean the show will be cancelled. Sure she's had some bad luck in the past when it comes to television, but thats not because she's cursed, thats because she works on shows that have niche audiences, probably because she wants to do something interesting rather than the dull procedurals that get like 15 million viewers or something for no reason whatsoever. And she guest starred on The Big Bang Theory, has that been cancelled? No. In fact, I actually watched that episode because of her. And I will watch arrow too.

So peoples, Live Long and Blog!

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