

The Cult Of The Serial Killer

Is it me or is there more serial killers on television than there were before? Dexter has been around for years but this past year several other shows have emerged that feature serial killers prominently.

These shows include Bates Motel, The Following, Hannibal, Cult, The Fall and to some extent Ripper Street. The majority of these shows have done reasonably well ratings wise and have been recommissioned which makes me ask the question, are serial killer shows becoming cult? The shows that were recommissioned had both large and small audiences and were steady with ratings and have vocal fan bases which shows that they have a loyal and dedicated audience which is one of the defining factors in making something cult. 

The timing of these shows premiering is kind of fishy to me, they crop up just as Dexter is finishing up its run. In my eyes it seems like the Networks are trying to capitalise on the success of Dexter and trying to pick up its audience after it kisses us a sweet goodbye. We've seen it before, after Lost ended and Networks released shows like The Event, Flashforward and V to fill the void the show left behind. So have serial killers (of course I mean the fictional kind) always been cult? I thought I was the only freak fascinated by the mind of serial killers, but if this is true then im not alone! And I guess now that I know there is an audience for it that does not include me I guess I can be more open about it. I also think its amazing how the major networks are being more risky with the shows in regards to the violence, because how can you have a series about murder without a little blood and guts? Screw censorship!

It's probably not the best thing to have a cult fandom, but im happy for the company. Live Long and Blog!

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  1. Lol looks like Matt's lectures have rubbed off on you. Nice piece!

    1. The only thing Matt's lectures taught me was that I can sleep with my eyes open.
