

Calling All Marshmallows For Play It Again, Dick!

It's been seven long years since the end of Veronica Mars, seven years of campaigning for a revival, a movie spin-off, a kick-starter campaign and finally earlier this year devoted Marshmallows got what they were waiting for. A Veronica Mars movie with one final mystery to wrap up the franchise. But if you watch the movie you'll realise it wasn't one last mystery, the movie did leave room for the franchise to go on. They may have wrapped up Carrie Bishops murder but we still have questions about the future of Weevil and what the hell is going on with Celeste Kane? Who knows if the questions will be answered, the film didn't exactly break box office records as it was a limited release but Marshmallows are a pretty persuasive bunch so maybe we'll get another movie in about seven years. One thing is certain though, the Dick Casablancas will be living on in Play It Again, Dick.

So Rob Thomas is clearly as persuasive as the fans as he has teamed up with CW Seed for a web series based of Dick . Well actually it's more like a fictionalised Ryan Hansen as he attempts to revive the character of Dick for his own spin off. Honestly, I loved Dick (don't make any rude jokes), he was a breath of fresh air and comic relief when we needed it in the show. Sure Veronica Mars had plenty of laughs but it was a drama and features plenty of death and abuse, so of course the characters in the show did display signs of depression which they should. Their classmates keep getting killed/raped for Christ sake! Dick's father ran out on him, his step mother was a gold digger, his brother committed suicide after he killed a bus full of kids and his only friend keeps getting put in jail so I'd say he has the most reason to be depressed, yet he held his head up and kept us laughing (for the majority of the run anyway). Honestly, I love Veronica Mars but I've wanted to punch each main character at least once during the run of the show apart from Dick.

I should probably get back to talking about Play It Again, Dick, like I said I love Dick (stop it) but this show isn't about Dick. I can't really predict which way this will go, it could be good or it could be terrible. I have followed Ryan Hansen a little since the show ended, I thoroughly enjoyed him in Part Down and he seems like a genuinely funny person. For Play It Again, Dick it does seem like he may be getting a Dick-like personality which should be brilliant! If it does go that way then I'm sure that I'll enjoy the series, as will fellow other Marshmallows. Even if it doesn't, I intend to watch the show until the end and get giddy whenever a Mars alumni shows up and enjoy the fact that they we are keeping the franchise alive. I genuinely hope it succeeds, maybe then theres a chance of another movie? Pretty please!

I guess I'll be tuning into CW Seed this Autumn! I have never done that in my life.

Live Long and Blog!

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