I did want to title this 'The Headless Horseman Rises Again' but it felt like it was too soon after my
Gotham post so I decided to go for returns. It doesn't feel as good, I should really think ahead when titling posts. Anyway, It's a dark day when it's towards the end of September new shows have premiered but I can't be bothered to write about them. Heck I can barely be bothered to sit through them. It makes me put more faith in the shows that I already watch just because I have no alternative. I can't drop shows because I have nothing the replace them with! Pretty much all of the new show this years seem terrible! It's because of this I put off watching the series two premiere of
Sleepy Hollow, I didn't want the disappointment. So did I really need to worry?
*Spoilers ahead*

Well yes and no. We'd finished off the first series with Abbie stuck in purgatory and Crane being buried alive by his son, so naturally I was on the edge of my seat and desperate to know how on Earth they got out of that mess. I knew that Crane would find a way out, probably quite swiftly but what I really wanted to know was how Abbie was going to leave purgatory. I'm an expert in the subject because of my years of studying
Supernatural so I know that it's not an easy place to bust out of. Well initially the audience are led to believe that the first episode back is set a year later. So basically we missed Abbie breaking out of Purgatory. At this point I regretted falling in love with
Sleepy Hollow a year ago. They took the easy way out and went for a time jump? Seriously? Will we be getting hints about what happened throughout the series? I wasn't prepared for that.
Well, I freaked myself out over nothing as it turned out to be a dream sequence cooked up by Henry so I had nothing to be afraid of! Except the dream sequence lasted half the episode. Perhaps them getting out of their respective prisons would last more than an episode? Nope. By the end of the episode they had reunited. Honestly, the episode felt very rushed, I understand that they had a lot to tell but they have eighteen episodes to tell it in now rather than the thirteen in the first series. They can take their time with the storylines so why rush it? I was quite disappointed about how something that I've been agonising over for months was resolved so quickly. Seriously, twenty minutes. Twenty minutes to escape from purgatory. Also, it was all a little convenient wasn't it? Abbie got free because of a key we'd never heard of and because of Ichabod Crane's connection to Benjamin Franklin which again, we'd never heard of. It feels like the writers aren't really much for planning things out, instead just making it up as they go along. I figured that last season because of the John Noble situation, clearly he wasn't intended to be their son but the writers/producers must have loved him so much they wanted to keep him on. That's understandable, he's John Noble and if I could write him into my life I would. I just hope that the rest of the season is planned out more and the writers don't pull anything else out of their asses.

From what I've said already it would be easy to assume that I hated the episode, but I didn't. Yes, the pacing was all off and that frustrated me quite a bit but I got to see the characters again. The show is part story and part characters so it was good seeing them after a few months of nothing. I loved Cranes humour, his relationship with Abbie as well as the introduction of Franklin,who I hope to see a lot more of. I think this is one of the only shows where I adore all the characters, they all have personality and a likability about them which made me almost forget about the silliness. Almost. I didn't though. I may like the characters but I can't just watch it for them so hopefully further episodes can get back to business and feature some more Orlando Jones so I won't have to get annoyed. It's probably my fault, the shows been away for so long maybe it wasn't even that good in the first place and I just built it up in my head. It doesn't matter, It has to be good now or I'll have almost nothing to watch this year. Well anyway, it was a disappointing episode but I am still glad it's back. For now anyway.
Live Long and Blog!
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