

2016 Ruined Game Of Thrones

*Spoilers for Game Of Thrones. If you're not caught up please don't be silly and decide to read this post*

Game Of Thrones has always been a type of show (and series of novels) that shocks an audience. This started off from the very first episode with Bran (Isaac Hempstead Wright) walking in on incest and being pushed out of a window. Then the first season ended with the beloved protagonist being beheaded. Then we had the ever so romantic weddings. Then we ha Lets not get into all the other many events that made my jaw drop because the list fill several books. There is one thing in particular that I would like to talk about in this post which is the death of Jon Snow (Kit Harrington) in the season five finale. Jon Snow, originally the bastard of Winterfell, rose through the ranks of the Nights Watch and eventually became the Lord Commander. His tenure as Lord Commander seemed to be short live after he was fatally stabbed by that bastar Olly (Brenock O'Connor) because Jon decided to be a leader and make tough decisions.

*Seriously, don't read whats below if you haven't caught up*

He supposedly died, however in episode two of the sixth season Melisandre decided to stop moping about and try to bring him back to life. Her random words spell seemed to have no effect on him until they gave up all hope and left his ripe corpse to be taken along to the afterlife. Then something shocking happened, he woke. You heard that right, Jon Snow lives! Shocking right? No. It would have been more shocking if he had stayed dead. This is not the fault of the writers of Game Of Thrones as they usually don't have characters being resurrected, the people they kill seem to stay dead. No, no, no. It was the fault of the age that we currently life in, the glorious age of technology. 2016.

I used to yearn for spoilers and actively seek them out but more and more over the years I seem to shy away from them, the most I usually expose myself to is trailers so I'm surprised when viewing a show/film. The problem is it's very hard to be surprised by anything in 2016 because we know everything. I knew there was no way Jon Snow was gone for good for a multitude of reasons including:

- Kit Harrington not getting a haircut. He's always seemed to hate that hair
- Kit Harrington, a hot young actor in his prime who had just departed a top rated television show didn't have projects lined up back to back
- Kit Harrington seen around set throughout the filming of the sixth season

I did not go looking for any of this information but I found it and it ruined the surprise for me. I very rarely visit message boards now because of how spoilerific they are and I'll have no one to blame but myself if I read something I shouldn't. I don't click onto articles about the plot point I'm trying to read up on, but it's difficult when it pops up on your facebook news feed WITH THE SPOILER IN THE TITLE. Sometimes I don't even 'Like' the website it comes from but Facebook just thinks I may be interested. The same with Twitter, I don't follow a hashtag or certain accounts but somehow it's still on my feed because I may be interested in it. I hate this. I hate this. I hate this. If I wanted information on something I would personally look it up, the algorithm that tells these social media outlets that this is what I want aren't always right. Also, why does everyone with a camera phone believe they are paparazzi? I don't even like the actual paparazzi, citizen paparazzism is even worse.

All this information at my fingertips and I don't want it, I'm actually afraid of it. I'm afraid of watching an episode at a delay because it may be sullied by something I see online, there are only so many websites I can avoid! This age of information sucks. I knew that there was no way in hell that Jon Snow wasn't going to come back. All because of the glorious world we live in now. It's things like this that make me feel like getting myself a hut in the middle of nowhere, excluding myself from the rest of humanity.

So thank you very much 2016, you ruined what could have been a beautiful surprise but you've taken secrecy away from life. I will console myself with the thoughts of what happened to Jon in his time away, did he go to heaven/hell/purgatory? Is he actually a human? Is he possibly a new breed of white walker? You'd better not ruin this for me internet/gossip sites/Facebook "friends".

Live Long and Blog!

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