

All Hail The New Spider-Man!

I will go on record to say that I adored Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man, it was a far more light hearted portrayal than that of Tobey Maguire who always seemed abnormally sullen. I understand that the character has been through a lot of upheavel in his short life but he was always known to be a wise cracker with an infinite amount of youthful energy and Garfield's version of him seemed more in line with the character that people have spent decades falling in love with. I may be biased as I was a fan of Garfield before and I love Emma Stone in whatever she's in so there was no way I wasn't going to love the reboot and I was saddened with the news of another reboot. Then I watched Captain America: Civil War.

Is it wrong that in the third solo Captain America film, integral in the ongoing MCU story line, the most exciting part was a glorified cameo? Seriously, Tom Holland's Spider-Man was one of the most enjoyable parts of the film. It helps that we bypassed the origin which we've already seen twice in the last 15 years and see him after he's lost uncle Ben and gotten his powers. One of the things that was off-putting about another reboot was the thought of having to sit through that again because at this point it probably wouldn't have any emotional effect. It would be like watching Thomas and Martha Wayne die, I know it happens and at this point I don't actually care. Skipping this part of his origin story also means skipping the grief that comes with it so the character can be fun which is what he should be. I may have liked Garfield's version but he still had his mopey moments, I've heard significant people in your life dying can do that to a person.

From the moment Tom Holland appeared on screen there was a grin on my face and chuckles pouring out of me, he only had a small part in Civil War but it stood out. He bought the majority of laughs to the film (with the aid of Paul Rudd's Ant-Man) and really stood on his own around the stars that have spent years making their respective superhero roles their own. In the stand off between the two teams he was the one I was looking out for, his interactions with the other Avengers and fan girling of them was hilarious. Yes, Garfield cracked jokes during a lot of his fight sequences but they were never as side splitting as this. Holland reacted the way the audience would've reacted in the same situation, only he was incredibly more useful in than we would ever be. Holland bought something that the Spider-Man franchise has been short on, fun.

After limited screen time in a film that was not his own I am sold on Holland as Spidey, and I'm not as apprehensive about watching Spider-Man: Homecoming as I was before. I think he will do the role justice as he did in Civil War, I'm now just worried about all the other elements of the film. It seems like over the years aunt May has gotten younger and more attractive and I don't quite know how I feel about this. The image I have of May is an older, frail but stern woman and Marisa Tomei doesn't quite fit that image I had but she, like Holland, bought hilarity to the film so that's something to look forward to. The one issue I think I'm going to have with the film is whoever they cast as the female lead. I mentioned earlier that I adore Emma Stone and I absolutely loved her Gwen Stacy because she had wonderful chemistry with Garfield and her character didn't exist purely to have someone to save, she was useful the the plot. I don't quite know how Homecoming will do better in their female lead, I assume that she'll end up being a watered down version of Gwen but I'll give it a shot.

So thank you Tom Holland for ripping me away from camp Garfield. I feel a little guilty for giving in so easily but I look forward to seeing more of you. Seeing as though he is only 19 we'll probably get a lot more of Holland version of the web slinger than we've gotten from his predecessors which'll be fantabulous.

P.S. I listened to Anthony Mackie on The Nerdist podcast and he is hilarious, on this basis alone I would like a solo movie for him. He doesn't have to be doing anything in particular or have to be in character as the Falcon, I'd gladly watch Anthony Mackie being Anthony Mackie.

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