

So How Is The Flash Going?

The Flash's pilot leaked many moons ago and of course I jumped on it and fell in love, but I was in a television drought then so it may have been my mind playing tricks on me. We're four episodes into The Flash now and how is it going? I can honestly say I stand by pretty much all of my initial observations. Looking back I still feel that the pilot was brilliant and the fact that was The CW's most watched premiere EVER certainly supports it. The show has only gone from strength to strength since then rather than regress which I felt that Arrow slightly did after its first episode.

One of the main things I loved when watching the pilot all those months ago was the casting, and watching the show continue, seeing the actors interact with one another and their character backgrounds unfolding just proves that I'm right constantly. I'm not trying to sound big headed but it's true. At least in The Flash's case anyway. I was probably wrong about everything else. Anyway, we're only four episodes in even with a big cast we've still managed to get to know most of the characters fairly well. Barry is still getting used to being a hero whilst learning his capabilities can be limited at times and that he's not invincible, especially when he comes across Leonard Snart/Captain Cold. It's refreshing that the only person that he really has to keep his secret from is Iris, it's not like Smallville where Clark is attempting to hide it from everyone and it gets absolutely ridiculous and you realise that the people that live in Smallville are complete idiots. 

Barry's alter ego isn't a complete secret so he does have a support system in team Flash, who I found endearing to initially anyway and they have most certainly become their own characters. Of course we have Dr. Harrison Wells who is shrouded in secrecy, I'm still not quite sure if he wants the best for Barry or wants to harm him. We now know that Wells was anticipating Barry's transformation and was watching while it happened but how could he know? Is he from the future? I wouldn't be surprise if The Flash featured time travel at some point, to be honest I'd be surprised if they didn't. It must be time travel right? Well hopefully we will find out at some point, but I'm glad his ulterior motives haven't been forgotten and are referenced in every episode. We may not know what this character wants but we find out a bit more about him in every episode (even if that bit of information is on occasion a little confusing). Team Flash also has Caitlin Snow who I found the least likeable in the pilot due to how cold she was but now I seem to enjoy her on screen more than anyone else. We have had a flashback episode where she is quite prominent and we see the death of her fiancé, Ronnie, who she clearly loved. It's not hard to see why she was so cold, and it's great knowing more about her and seeing her forge a genuine friendship with Barry rather than one out of necessity. The one character that seems to be letting the side down is Cisco, he seems to pretty much be light comic relief in the show at the moment. Hopefully his role will be expanded in upcoming episode because I'd like to know a bit more about him.

One thing that is dragging the show down is the mass amount of family drama. I don't mean Barry trying to free his bio-dad because that's one of the long running story lines, I mean his surrogate family drama. I like the characters of Joe and Iris individually but I can't stand the disfunction we're seeing because of her dating Joe's partner. Honestly, if I wanted to see family drama I'd watch Brothers and Sisters and I've never watched that show, so clearly I don't. I understand that theres going to be some drama going on in Barry's private life but is there any chance we can keep in limited? The show is called The Flash so I don't really care about who Iris is dating and if it pisses off Joe. What I do care about is her obsession with "the streak", so can we please see more of her attempting to track him down? Pretty please? I liked her character in the pilot so it's quite frustrating that she has gotten so irritating in such a short space of time, so please fix it. Theres not really much I can say about Joe, outside of the Iris drama he is awesome. Anyone can tell how much he adores Barry, the rest of team Flash seem to have just been interested in testing his abilities up until episode four, Cisco even created a weapon that could seriously harm him. Joe cares more about Barry than his alter ego, he doesn't want him to over exert himself, he just wants Barry to stay safe. 

Overall the show seems to be going well so far with episodes three and four being game changers for me. I wasn't expecting it so early on but it's welcome, we know that the show is progressing. With episode three we have the flashback episode where we meet Ronnie, Caitlin's fiancé and also the engineer that was working on the particle accelerator and was in it when it blew up. It is presumed that he died from being in it, but I think it's almost certain that he didn't. Surely we'll see more of him coming up and I'd love to see Caitlins reaction when he comes back. In this episode we also see team Flash creating a prison for the meta humans so they can actually capture them rather than have them conveniently die in the last five minutes of the episodes. Due to the fact that they will now be kept together I think we can expect a meta human revolt at the end of the season, similar to the last episode of Arrow season two when we had all of the super soldiers tearing apart Starling City. I'm pretty certain that the revolt will be lead by none other than Leonard Snart/Captain Cold.

I'm just going to call him Captain Cold just because it's both shorter and cooler. There is a reason that he escaped at the end of episode four, he will be back to wreak havoc upon Central City and Barry will have to stop him. Wentworth Miller was terrific in the role, the audience could practically see his intelligence as well as his ruthlessness whenever he was in a scene. Captain Cold has proven to be a formidable for Barry and it'll be wonderful to see him again when he does decide to pop by and probably take one of team Flash hostage. It was silly to show Captain Cold everyone that Barry is working with so he'll either figure out who the Flash is or take one of the team hostage. Or both. Or go for Felicity and then both team Arrow and team Flash will be on his case. That would be beautiful. I love Felicity, but go for her god dammit!!!

Just one more thing before I sign off, can we please for the love of Castiel stop referring to him as "the streak". I thought calling Clark "the red blue blur" was bad enough but now "the streak". Bloody terrible. Stop it.

Anyway, Live Long and Blog!

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