

Comic Con 2014: Penny Dreadful

Ahhh, the Penny Dreadful panel. I've been waiting to write about the show for a while but I guess I waited too long as the first season is over, but the panel gives me a reason to finally discuss it. I'd firstly like to congratulate Aisha Tyler, so far her and Stephen Colbert (The Hobbit panel) have been the best moderators I've seen this year. She seemed like a genuine fan and asked all the questions that I probably would've asked, I'm surprised that the audience Q&A actually came up with any questions. Although they were the same question over and over again... Why is sex a foreign concept for them? John Logan (The creator) handled it way better than I would've expected, if it was me answering I probably would've just said that it's Showtime, if theres no sex then theres no commission.

Pretty much the first thing that is discussed on the panel is what Tyler refers to as the "holy shit moment" in the finale, meaning Ethan being a werewolf (had to narrow that down as there were so many). Logan assures fans that it will not be forgotten as we will be delving into his backstory more in the second season. Ethan is sort of unaware of what he is, all he knows is that he blacks out and bad things tend to happen so season two sees him trying to come to terms with who he is and what he's done. Perhaps thats why he seems like such a kind person when he isn't wolfed out (that's a phrase right)? He's trying to make up for the bad things he's done during the black outs.

Speaking of the second season, we will get more of Vanessa's troubles (that's a nice way of me saying demon possession) although the way Logan discussed it it's seems like we won't be seeing her giving into the demon again but her dealing with it herself, and trying to make decisions on what is good and bad herself. This is hinted at in the last episode when she has that meeting with the priest, so it's good that they will be tying it up, or continuing it. A major theme within the first season was sexuality, specifically Vanessa's as it seems that the demon emerges when she gives into her desires. If you hadn't noted my annoyance of the audiences questioning in the introduction then you probably should now. Logan explained that he didn't do this because in victorian times women shouldn't have given into their urges, he puts it quite bluntly that nobody on the show benefited from having sex, which I'd never thought about but is quite true.

Now we're on the sex subject we might as well finish it off (I don't want to hear anyone saying "that's what she said", this must be done). Logan also addresses Ethan and Dorians interaction saying that he wanted to deal with all forms of sexuality and "all iterations of what it is to be human", and he doesn't think the question of Ethan's sexuality (we all know Dorian would do anyone so theres no questioning his) is actually relevant as people "behave in the moment which is true to them" (I'm paraphrasing a little bit), and my god Logan gained my respect with this. Why should we be so prudish, sex is sex, it doesn't matter who Ethan is having it with, it just felt right in that moment. Logan also saw it as a good way to bridge the characters, form the basis of a relationship - or family as he describes it- which will grow gradually.

Ok, so I think I'm done with the sex talk, let's get back to season two. From the panel it seems quite probable that we will be seeing other characters from gothic literature in the show, with the second season looking specifically at Dracula. He did seem like this looming figure of darkness so it'll be nice to see less of him looming and more of him in the forefront (hopefully). Of course we won't me seeing Van Helsing again after his heart-wrenchingly swift demise, but it's nice to see that the writers aren't afraid to make the show their own, as Logan puts it they will "cherish the sacred text but not recreate them" (seriously falling in love with this guy right now) so anything goes really, just because we've read Dracula and Frankenstein doesn't mean we know what will happen. One thing that has made me incredibly excited about season two is the confirmation of the antagonist, Madame Kali who is played by the delightful Helen McRory, seriously she is brilliant. I really really can't wait.

So far this panel has got to have been the one that that I have enjoyed most out of this years Comic Con and I hope Penny Dreadful lives a long life so that theres many more like it. Also, John Logan has become my favourite and I think he is the most quotable person alive right now. Oh, and Harry Treadaway is good with his hands. I thought that was worth mentioning before I signed off

Live Long and Blog!

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