

24, Please Don't Leave Me!

*Spoilers ahead*

So, it's been almost a week since I watched the last episode of 24. Well, the second last episode of 24. I still haven't been able to digest it. I cried like a little girl during the last 15 minutes, I mean, oh my God, is no one allowed to have a happy ending in this show? Sure, the world was saved and everything, but who the frick cares? How comes every woman Jack Bauer loves gets shot in the stomach? It must be some sick joke on the producers part. Speaking of sick joke what's up with that last scene? You can't just leave it like that! I know what the implication is, Jack's going to be tortured/killed by the Russians but please, say it ain't so! I refuse to believe that, and how dare the producers say that they aren't planning any more of the show. You can not leave me like that, I beg of you. I'd rather have not had Live Another Day. 

Ok, that's a lie, the season has pretty much been great. It's been condensed into 12 episodes so it has cut out most of the filler, so no cougars. I loved the new setting as well, it wasn't just the regular LA, New York or Washington backdrop, it was London! Not everything happens in America so it's nice that they changed it up, a bit like Redemption. Also the new cast members were fantastic. They worked so well with the old ones that we've grown to love and by the end of the season I loved the new ones too! I mean Stephen Fry shows up as the Prime Minister (take note England, Stephen Fry for Prime Minister) Game Of Thrones' Michelle Fairley goes from a loving mother Catelyn Stark, to a cold hearted terrorist with ease and Yvonne Strahovski's Kate Morgan is Jack's right hand of the season. I'll admit it, because of her I was seeing this as both a 24 and Chuck continuation. A heartbreaking one for Chuck I must say.

So to sum up my rant, I really did love Live Another Day and I could like the ending if it was a season finale, not a series finale. As I said before, you can't leave me like that! The ratings for the show have been really good so I see no reason not to carry on. The next season Jack would need to escape Russia's custody with the help of Chloe, Belchick (who we need to learn more about god dammit) and former CIA agent Kate. Make it happen Fox.

Live Long and Blog!

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