

Comic Con 2014: Supernatural

Ok, so I was supposed to finish up writing about Comic Con panels a while ago now but I got busy. By that I mean I attempted socialising. Anyway, entertainment websites that actually get paid to write are still publishing "exclusives" from Comic Con even though it ended last week, so hey ho, I can still write about it.

*spoilers below for season 9 finale*

I've watched the panel a couple of times this week and watched all the ones from the previous years repeatedly but sitting down and trying to write about what we can expect made me realise we never really get spoilers, they usually just come along to have fun. So this is going to be a short post. We have been let in on what we can expect after that "OH MY GOD" last 2 seconds of the season 9 finale, mainly Dean trying to come to turns with becoming a demon, and Jensen mentions how it is completely different from other demons that have featured in the show as they were possessing meat suits whereas Dean's soul is now twisted which is how he becomes a demon. It should be fairly interesting to watch and at last Jensen does get to tackle a new(ish) character, it was always Jared that played multiple people/demons/angels.

Of course this show is about the brothers so we of course are going to see Sam trying to save Deans soul. I mean that is pretty much all they do anyway in the show, it's something that everyone has grown used to a grown to love. Castiel is also going to have a few problems of his own this upcoming season as he is losing his grace. In Misha and Jared's words he is becoming both weaker and less strong, I highlight that for you just so you could take note of it. I repeat, both weaker and less strong. Even though Castiel is pretty much dying his main focus will be Dean (of course), so Destiel shippers will have another seasons worth of material! I'm pretty sure that Castiel will be dying again this season, it's his turn right? He'll be back, as Jared mentions that a character is more likely to come back if they die, rather than if they're left alive. I have one thing to say to that, bring back Kevin! The audience at the Con agrees!

Someone who doesn't seem to want to save Deans soul is the wonderful Crowley, played by the newly promoted regular Mark Sheppard. Sheppard didn't really give anything away about what his character will be getting up to, other than we'll be seeing whether he has any control over Dean and that storyline would be unfolding over the next 3-4 seasons and he also say's that there isn't too much to learn about Crowley other than the fact that he's always right and the World revolves around him, I do have an inkling that he could possibly be joking. He also introduced the audience to his homemade 'Maaahk' action figure, alongside the already present Sam, Dean and Castiel ones (to any of my friends that are reading this, I want them for my birthday. Including Marks), and made jokes about a girl wearing a see through shirt. In short he brought disorder to the panel! Supernatural is lucky to have him! The panel (and previous seasons) show that he has excellent chemistry with everyone and their mother, so any Mark Sheppard fans that haven't watched the show yet should jump on board.

Of course they've only shot the first episode so there probably aren't really any spoilers that they could give us that they can guarantee will be happening, here are a few tidbits that we did get from the panel though:
- Demon!Dean is in custody of the Impala but Carver says that he doesn't care too much for it. I almost cried when he said this but I guess it does show the difference between Dean and Demon!Dean.
- Demon!Dean will spend most of the first episode tied up.
- The 200th episode is Musicalish rather than a full on musical, which is what has been reported. Carver and the guys have described it as a love letter to the fans. There will also be singing involved in the first episode. I'm not sure how that would fit in but perhaps Demon!Dean is a fan of Hairspray.
- According to Misha, if William Shatner wanted to appear he'd have to audition like everybody else.
- Jared says Sam's bucket list is 10 more panels at Hall H (awww), Misha and Mark say that they're characters just don't want to die in season 10. They're both pretty realistic
- We will be introduced to some strong female characters as well as having some old ones  returning. This is all irrelevant because Jared has said that the writers and networtk have decided "Crowley is ambiguous enough that he could be a she".
- Mark Sheppard is awesome. His handmade doll should be mass produced.
Ok, so it's still pretty lengthly. The only thing I have left to say is that if you like Supernatural watch the panel because it's awesome. Watch every panel and convention they do, because they're awesome. Also, please set up dating profiles for every. That is all.

Live Long and Blog!

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