

Comic Con 2014: 24

As you already know we have come to the end of 24 but that doesn't stop 24 from going to Comic Con 2014 with Kiefer Sutherland and Jon Cassar to help Fox sell some Blu-Rays. Even though there isn't another season of the show to gather spoilers for from the panel *dies a little inside* I decided it's still worth a watch. I mean it is 24, it's been around for more than half my life. I say that stuff to make me feel young again.

After watching the panel I reiterate, I don't want the show to leave, and from watching the panel I don't think that Kiefer, Jon and Howard are ready to say goodbye yet, as they did essentially jump at the chance when the limited run of the series was proposed. They mentioned numerous times during the panel that they still get together and consider what would happen with the show and dream cast members they would have (in Kiefers case that would be Gene Hackman, good choice), and Jon saying that they were again discussing the possibility of a movie. To be fair we've heard that before, but when it didn't happen before we did end up getting Live Another Day so I like to think it was a win.

The impression I got was that the cast and the crew thoroughly enjoy making the show and Kiefer does say that they all have a large amount of respect for one another and the work they do. It certainly helps that Kiefer seems to have a great respect for his craft and the medium of television. He discusses how when he got into television it was seen as something that essentially ended you career, "the last stop before commercials" but in reality you get to play a character over a long period of time and see how he develops. The Jack Bauer at the beginning of the show is nothing like the Jack Bauer at the end of the show and being able to play the evolutions of the character which he describes as one of the most rewarding things that can happen. In the pilot episode he was happy with Teri and Kim, whereas at the end "theres nothing in his immediate future he was fighting for", all that he has lost has seen to that. They also addressed the open-endedness of the last episode, saying they "copped out because it's hard to let it go".

Well, enough about be trying to rationalise a continuation and here are a few other tidbits that we got from the panel:

- Filming in London gathered crowds in their 1000s but they were all polite and moved when asked. You wouldn't get that in LA.
- Writers on the show do give them some creative freedom. For example, Jack was supposed to shoot Margot (played by Michelle Fairley) but Keifer wanted to actually act with her so they decided he would through her out of the window. In the end he says that she was so strong during their fight that he was glad when he finally managed to toss her through it. I'm pretty certain he was joking.
- Kiefer says he and Jack are different because Kiefer is aware of what is right and wrong but doesn't always follow it but Jack uses his moral compass as a code of conduct. Not quite sure if he's joking.
- If Kiefer dressed up as anything at Comic Con it would be a storm trooper
- Kiefer and Donald don't really discuss work when together but Kiefer's sure that his characters would kick Donald's character asses.
- Up until about season 7 they didn't really take inspiration from real life events, most of the similarities before then were complete coincidences. 
- Plans for the movie are up in the air (again) Jon Cassar could neither confirm or deny that he would be directing.
See, I managed to extract things from the panel other than the series' continuation!

Live Long and Blog (as I hope 24 does)!

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