

Bon Voyage To The Cornetto Trilogy!

So, I've finally watched The World's End, the third film in the Three Flavours Cornetto trilogy. I was supposed to watch it a couple of months ago but the plans were cancelled and I've been eager to watch it ever since. Now I kind of wish I hadn't seen it.

I have thoroughly enjoyed all the entries to the trilogy, I mean who wouldn't like Shaun Of The Dead or Hot Fuzz? A damn fool that's who! And yes, I said that I hadn't seen it but that doesn't mean that the film was bad, quite the opposite actually. I could say it's superbly acted and it has a brilliant storyline (it's true) but anyone familiar with the trilogy would expect it to be so. The film is fantastic and I'm planning on having a cornetto trilogy marathon at some point now. Maybe get a few episodes of Spaced in the too. Maybe watch Paul. It'll be a long night.

So why do I wish I hadn't watched it? Because it's the end of course! I didn't want the trilogy to ever be over! The hours upon hours of enjoyment I had because of it! I'm a sentimental soul you see, so when it hit me that The World's End was the end it hurt, it genuinely hurt, and I wanted to ignore it's finality. But then again the film was great. I'm in two minds, I'm glad I watched it but also disappointed that I watched it. So what I'm saying is that I recommend that you watch the film, but be prepared to be sad (I hope you get sad or that just means I'm a soppy old fool). I know this is the last addition to the trilogy but I do hope the cast and the crew continue to collaborate and give us a few more hours of laughs!

Live Long (as the trilogy will in my heart) and Blog!

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