This post isn't going to be as sad as the title suggests, I don't think I'm best friends with fictionaly characters. I wouldn't admit it if I thought that anyway.
Recently writing about Friends made me think about my favourite friends in film and television and I'm such an ego-maniac that I figured EVERYONE should know my feelings. I'm going to avoid ensemble comedies like
Friends and
How I Met Your Mother because I feel like picking one would devalue all the other friendships in the shows which I don't want to do. So, in no particular order...
Dean and Castiel in Supernatural

These guys probably would've made the list on the top 2 best friends in film and TV. I'll elaborate, Castiel is an Angel of the lord and Dean is a hunter and kills things that go bump in the night. Castiel was one of those teachers pets in heaven, doing whatever God (or people masquerading as God) asked and Dean was hot headed and listened to no one and had faith in nothing. But then they meet and it's beautiful. Why would I watch romantic comedies when I can watch
Supernatural? Dean helped Castiel gain his humanity, go against all his brothers in heaven to do whats right even though it would be easier to let the apocolypse happen. He embraced his humanity, and realised its better to be with it than without. Castiel gave Dean hope and faith (not the atrocious TV show), I mean what
Supernatural fan didn't "aww" when Dean prayed to him for his help? That coupled with the fact that they've saved eachothers lives, bought each other back to life and saved eachother from Hell and purgatory pretty much shows that they are pretty much the ultimate best friends. What was the last thing you did for your BFF?

You can't make a list of best friends without including these guys, I mean they have got to have the sweetest friendship in the history of the world. I've never seen so much love between friends before, and even though they have their respective love interests in the series, people tune in for the Turk and JD love fest. The audience (by that I mean me) could never imagine them not being friends, never imagine them not growing old together. I bet they purchased a double plot in a graveyard together. I think thats probably why the
Scrubs intern's thingy majig failed so epically, yes JD was in some episodes but not anywhere close to enough. Like I said before, thats why I used to tuned in. Turk without JD is like Kirk without Spock. No. This video embodies their relationship
Dale, Saul and Red in Pineapple Express

I know, I'm lumping the three of them together but they asked for it during the sweet closing scene of the films. They're best friends forever! Of course they didn't start out the film that way, they only genuinely nice guy was Saul who wanted to be friends with everyone and Dale and Red were kind of douchey about it. Fast forward 90 minutes and they're like completely different people! The change is kind of similar to that of Dean and Castiel, they all changed eachother in very positive ways. Dale realised the error of his ways and went to save Saul and Red got over his backstabbing nature and cowardice to help the guys out. I for one would be glad to go through all the crap they did (ear shooting and all) if I ended up with such cool and solid friends as them.
Walter and September (a.k.a Donald) in Fringe

We may not have gotten to see much of the relationship between Walter and September/Donald but I still think it's incredible. September saved Peter's life when he was a child, without him we wouldn't have gotten to watch Peter and Walters relationship grow, in fact we wouldn't have a show at all! This friendship again has similarities with Dean and Castiel as September had to go against his race, the Observers, to do what was right, something he learned from Walter and the gang. He even lost his life because of what he was doing, becoming the mysterious Donald in the process. Walter also lived up to his part of the friendship by aiding September/Donald numerous times and in the end giving up his life and family to make sure September's family wasn't alone. Their selflessness shows true friendship, I think their relationship was the only thing that made sense throughout the series, everything else confused the hell out of me until I did some research.
One of my favourite friendships in the history of television, and we only saw a snippet of it! These two have been through a war together, they were brothers in arms and war brings out the worst in people and even though you may physically survive it some don't mentally or emotionally survive it, but they made a lasting friendship out of it. They lived through the war together, and now they've lived through numerous heists and pretty much stuck it to the man. They loosen eachother up and manage to grab moments of fun no matter how dire their situation becomes. Also, I like the fact that theres a male-female friendship were they didn't end up getting together. Men and women can be friends you know!
To all my friends that aren't as great as these, Live Long and Blog!
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