

Isolation: You'll Never Go To The Countryside Again!!

Generic titles such as this one are usually just for show, to sucker the reader into the story, but this is a genuine feeling I got after viewing this film. The film is set on an idealised farm in Ireland, but all is not as it seems. As the audience are starting to be introduced to the characters and their everyday lives, it is revealed that the farm has been subject to many medical experiments. It’s safe to say that the experiment backfires somewhat, without giving too much away. Therefore all does not go well for said characters, and there are many gruesome moments involving some of them in this film. 

Isolation became reminiscent of the foot and mouth crisis from years gone by, with the farm being quarantined and almost everything being done to prevent including killing many of the animals that are situated there. This is almost a mirror of the real life events and is a chilling vision into the potential failures of genetic engineering. Extreme and preposterous it may seem in principle, but there’s no denying that the combination of the acting, directing and the overall feel to the whole film adds layers to the story and makes it seem real. At one point in the film, the character Dan Reilly (John Lynch) is stranded in a tar pit, the tension in that scene alone bumped this film up a level in my opinion. 
Remarkable stuff for a film I hadn’t heard of a couple of hours prior to watching it. From the midway point on, the film is a complete bloodbath, again not to spoil the film for anyone but one particular scene was so unbearably tense that I had to sleep with the light on. At your most vulnerable, the worst can happen. That’s the message I took from this film anyway. Also, the typical rules of a horror film seemed to fall by the wayside, which I feel benefited it in a huge way. For example, the character traits in the film are sorted out rather fast, and you feel you know what direction the film is heading in, but in general terms, all bets are off. In conclusion, this film is one of my favourite horror films from the last decade simply because I had literally no idea what to expect and it delivered big time. I would recommend it to anyone who is reading this.
Live long and blog!

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